Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What's your name?

Tonight, we asked Ethan was is Daddy's "real" name. We went through the whole gammet of names etc and he finally admitted that he knew Daddy name was Jeff. Then Jeff asked him if he knew what Mommy's "real" name was and he quickly said "Pretty Mommy". He refused to talk about my name being Jenn and insisted that my name was "Pretty Mommy". I just love him so much. I told him he could call me that anytime as it made me very happy. Then he asked what is his "special" name and I told him he was my Handsome Boy. He was satisfied by that.


At 3/08/2006 05:27:00 p.m. , Blogger KenziKat said...

He'll break some serious hearts one day, you just watch!


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