Sunday, February 12, 2006

A trip to the arena...........

We took Ethan and Olivia skating today. Olivia fell asleep before we got to the end of the road (and the arena is only 1 minute away). So Mommy and Olivia sat in the stands while Ethan and Daddy skated. There was smiles all around despite the lack of being able to stand up or actually skate. There were a few of his friends from preschool there as well - he liked that very much. On the way, two things happened.

First there was a little boy from his school, Tyson, who was talking to Liv. Ethan pointed at him with his little finger and said "that MY sister". Not sure where it came from but Daddy's heart just swelled with pride.

And while we were walking out and holding hands he said "Mommy, Ethan is not a very good hockey player because he can't skate very well". It just broke my heart to pieces.


At 2/13/2006 01:22:00 p.m. , Blogger Tricia said...

Protective of his little sister already! That's a *good* thing!

And awwww... Ethan, buddy, you'll be a great skater in no time!!!

At 2/13/2006 05:44:00 p.m. , Blogger Jana Griffin said...

I'm impressed that he made the connection between being a good skater and being a good hockey player. That's some pretty good thinking there.

That's too cute about Olivia. Poor girl's never going to be able to date if he keeps that attitude. LOL


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