Thursday, March 08, 2007

Birthday Stiches

The phone rings at work, it is the daycare - my heart stops every time. It is Pam telling me that Ethan has a split lip. He split it on some ice and it was bleeding badly for a while, but the ice and the TLC helped out considerably. Pam tells me she thinks we are going to need somebody to look at it, so I finish up at work and off I go to get him.

When I get there, it is very obvious that he is going to need stitches. We head into the Ingersoll ER department for a 2 & 1/2 hour stay (I suppose it could have been worse). We get to the hospital and my kids are talking to every person that walks by them - no one can call them shy that is for sure.

We finally get called into the room to meet the doctor. Ethan tells a tall tale about whether he was part of the ice throwing but finally fesses up to the doctor, but please note that he only threw ice at Jackson's coat, not his face. He finds it crucial to the story to repeat that over and over again. The doctor and Ethan decide that they are going to turn on the big light and put a couple of stitches in, and then Ethan gets cold feet. We endured comments like "no thank you, I don't need a stitch", "I'd like to go home now", "no I don't really want the big light on", "mommy, they are not listening to me", and finally the granddaddy of them all "listen to my words, I don't want a stitch in my lip".

All in all he was a big boy and he admits to daddy later that he did cry because it hurt. He was mad at the doctor because she told him it wasn't going to hurt anymore, and it did. I guess the freezing didn't take as fast as she would have liked. Mommy had to sing Ethan's favourite song "You are my Sunshine" and that got us through both stitches.

The picture to the right has a story as well. Ethan told us when he got home from school that he told Jackson's mom about Jackson throwing the ice at him. Daddy asked him "what did his mom say" and Ethan says "nothing, she just went like this" and made that face. He made this face several times over last night and it was funnier each time.

I am sure this won't be our last trip to the ER for stitches but it certainly was a memorable first.


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