Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Dr. Jeckyl and Mr Hyde syndrome.

Tell me how it is possible to go from being a perfectly well behaved little angel to the DEVIL in less than 30 seconds....

Here is a perfect example:

Today she was sitting in her rocking chair, reading a book to her baby. Everything seemed good and under control. I go into my bedroom to check on Ethan who is watching TV on my bed. About ten minutes later, she says "uh oh" which is NEVER a good sign. I go out to the toy room to see that she has ripped some backing off her puzzle blocks. Not the end of the world, yet not great either. She got a stern talking to and a time out. Once her time out was over, then she had to come and sit with us on the bed, so that she didn't find herself getting into trouble again. She was hugging me and loving me (read: feeling guilty) and then she was rubbing Ethan's back and being all sweet. She doesn't really like to watch TV so I was watching to make sure she wasn't getting to bored as I typed away on my laptop (was doing some work) and she starts hitting my mouse and keyboard. I told her/asked her nicely three times to stop. Nothing but evil little grin and ignoring. Then she was warned her of impending spanking resulting in spanking delivered. Then she took a fit and I mean a FIT. She realized it was not doing her any good so she kicked my computer and told me I was bad.

Let's just say I wasn't impressed


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