Sunday, February 12, 2006

Liv at 19 months..........

Liv is trying so hard to be just like her brother. If she takes her diaper off once a day, she takes it off a hundred times. She usually takes it off right after she has peed, but occasionally, she actually does it on the toilet. Her dexterity is amazing, as it pretty much always has been. Her words are few and far between, but I can guarantee you will always know what she is trying to tell you. And if you can't figure it out, then she will scream and cry and if you are really lucky throw a temper tantrum. She is quite the little drama queen. I keep getting told time and time again, that she is the spitting image of her mother and not just her looks. All I can hope is that my strong personality will serve her well someday, as it is driving us all to the drink right now.

Today she had a ton of fun sliding around in the tobaggan, helping to build a snow castle and snowman and rolling don't the hill after running around on the frozen pond.

She has an amazing smile and such a catching exuberance. When you ask her if she wants to do something, she shouts out YES with the most glee you could imagine. She loves to cuddle with you and give "fish" kisses. She also loves to play coy with her affection. She idolizes her brother beyond belief and the dogs are a close second. I think her favorite animal is a kitty cat and we have no idea why really, but she goes absolutely mental when she sees one.


At 2/13/2006 01:20:00 p.m. , Blogger Tricia said...

What a cutie! Can't wait to hear more Liv stories! :) She's gonna be a fun one!


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