Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hearts all around.......

Today was Valentine's Day. Last night, the kids made Valentines for family and friends (with a little help from Mommy and Daddy). They really don't know *what* Valentine's Day is, but they sure were excited.

For breakfast, Moomy left some french toast for Grandma to make (in the shapes of hearts of couse). Then it was off to school for Ethan and Olivia went out on the town with Grandma. Ethan had a fun day at school of Valentine's exchange and then home for lunch. Mommy had baked some heart shaped oatmeal/chocolate chunk cookies and made sandwiches in the shape of hearts for Ethan and Olivia. Grandma and Daddy (who came home for lunch) must have told Olivia it was *special* lunch, as that is her new favorite word.

Dinner time came around and after dinner the last surprise was pudding pops that mommy made for Ethan and Olivia. All in all, this V-day was quite a hit!


At 2/19/2006 08:28:00 p.m. , Blogger Jana Griffin said...

WOAH there lady! You went ALL out for the kiddos. What a good mommy you are. Hey, I shared my chocolate covered strawberries. I wasn't a complete ogre. LOL

At 3/08/2006 05:26:00 p.m. , Blogger KenziKat said...

I feel like such a Valentine failure! We gave the girls Dora chocolates (which *still* are hanging around LOL) but that's about it! Bad momma!


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